Server Specifications

The server will almost emulate the original Conquer Online of the patch 5730

Max Character Stats
Level 140 2 Reborn -7 +12
Water Taoist, Fire Taoist, Archer, Warrior, Trojan, Ninja, Monk, Pirate and Oriental Assassins
Items and coins
Silver, CPs, bound CPs and bound items. No Custom Items
Saddles, Frozen Grotto, Bound Equipment Quests, Regional Quests, Daily Quests, MoonBox, Minning, House Quest, Blue Mouse, Snake King, Labyrinth, Met Zone, Night Devil, DB Devil, Extermination, CloudSaint, 2 Rebirth Quest Etc
Guild War, Flames, DisCity, Team Tournament PK, Elite PK, Pk Class Tournament, Treasure in the Blue, Capture the flag, Weekly Pk and Couple PK
+1 and +2 Items, 2 Sock (weapons) and Bless -3/-5 Items, Meteors, DBs and normal gems
Level rate
Same as the original Conquer Online. Auto-hunting available
Gold, CPs and Bound CPs. No nobility reset
All the original items can be gotten in the Lottery Center (Check the stats on the web, must login)